
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Goal setting

It's proven 80% of goal setters who write their goals down achieve them. Have you ever written your goals down? A great resource for goal setting is Chalene Johnsons 30 day push. It's free and so helpful to start mapping out the dreams you want to see become a reality.
In each group that I hold goal setting is such a huge part of it. If you don't have goals then why are you working so hard? If you have a clear plan mapped out of what you want to achieve you have a plan. 
My goal this year is to finish each program I set out to do. My first Program is Piyo. This is a super intense workout that provides the core work and stability to strengthen your hips, back and core! 

I love Beachbody on demand because I am able to stream all my workouts on line anywhere I go and when my husband is watching tv I can workout right there while I'm watching tv to. The most amazing part of this is your first 30 days are completely free you don't spend a dime and you get to try out hundreds of workouts to see which one you love before you buy it. When you are ready to buy it your charged the second month and it's only 39$ every quarter. Yes! I know it's paid quarterly NOT monthly! It's a win win for everyone! 

If you are looking for an accountability group that will hold you to your goals and have daily check ins this is for you! Just apply at

Coach Christy
Follow me on pinterest

Friday, January 22, 2016

Sleeping baby

How many moms out there are FIGHTING their babies to get in bed and go to sleep???πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»

Warm milk 6oz, 1 tsp honey, 2 drops vanilla! Our bedtime routine has become as follows and my h y p e r a c t i v e little man just sinks in and gets completely relaxed! 

Warm bath with Epsom saltπŸ›
Lavender lotion toddler massage
Sleepy monster roll on oils to the bottom of his feet to keep the monsters away
All while drinking this warm milk about 45 minutes before bedπŸ›Œ
πŸ‘€Read a bible story 
Give kissesπŸ’‹ and close the door

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cheap and Easy

Cheap and Easy

Easiest recipe that goes ALONG way for LITTLE money 

1. 2 lbs chicken breast 
2. 1 jar of your favorite salsa
3. 1 packet taco seasoning 

-put in crockpot high for 4 hours 
-take two forks and shreds chicken

- topped with black bean and corn, lettuce, avacado, lettuce, and cilantro! 

Perfect for tacos or a taco salad!

If you may be interested in more clean eating tips and meal planning help email me at

Monday, January 18, 2016

Pave the way

I saw this quote today and thought of My husband right off the bat. 
"Don't go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail" 
He's been watching me in my health and fitness journey for a very long time. He has attempted to join me but life happens and he would stop. This year is different. We are going strong for 2 weeks starting our third and he has pushed me and kept me going when I wanted to quit. He is paving a trail for all those who said "at home workouts just sent my thing." "I DON'T do videos that's stupid." He has now found something he hasn't mastered yet and watching him struggle just keeps me motivated because he isn't giving up, he is pushing himself until he masters every move. What a journey we are on this year I'm looking forward to some incredible changes in our health and fitness and in our marriage. 😘

Thanks babe for pushing me and keeping me motivated! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Looking for 5 women ready to start their journey to a fit life.

Excuses stop here!
Many of you needed a little bit of extra time after the holidays to be able to join me well here is your chance!
I am looking for 5 women ONLY To be in this group with me.
I want to make sure there is a ton of one on one help. To qualify you will need to have the following 
1. Brand new to health and fitness 
2. Desperately need a change in your life or diabetes, heart disease, and obesity will overtake your life.
3. Have tried it all and needs something that works.
4. Needs someone who can relate and has gone through the same issues to help get you through 

If you have any of these characteristics I would love for you to apply here πŸ‘‡

This is a secret group/ no one will know your in it unless your choose to tell them!
By applying here if you don't feel comfortable commenting on in just apply and I will reach out and contact you!