
Monday, January 18, 2016

Pave the way

I saw this quote today and thought of My husband right off the bat. 
"Don't go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail" 
He's been watching me in my health and fitness journey for a very long time. He has attempted to join me but life happens and he would stop. This year is different. We are going strong for 2 weeks starting our third and he has pushed me and kept me going when I wanted to quit. He is paving a trail for all those who said "at home workouts just sent my thing." "I DON'T do videos that's stupid." He has now found something he hasn't mastered yet and watching him struggle just keeps me motivated because he isn't giving up, he is pushing himself until he masters every move. What a journey we are on this year I'm looking forward to some incredible changes in our health and fitness and in our marriage. 😘

Thanks babe for pushing me and keeping me motivated! 

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