
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

13 ways to take care of yourself- Success Magazine

I have recently started diving into personal development for my own well being that I have learned if you don; tmake time for yourself you have nothing, but a stressful mind. I have been researching Darren Hardy and his Success Magazine and I found these 13 tips to be very helpful.

1. Set specific time slots when you don’t work. Focusing on work is a great excuse for not taking care of yourself. I have set specific time slots where I won’t work and will instead spend time on my family and me. These slots are first thing in the morning (before 8 a.m.) and dinnertime (5 to 8 p.m.). Except for events I must attend, these slots are sacred times for me to spend with my family and not work. Setting this up has been life-changing.—Joshua Dorkin, BiggerPockets

2. Start your day off with meditation. I start every morning with a short 5–10-minute meditation using an app called Beditations. The meditation helps me visualize the things I’m most grateful for and allows me to minimize negativity and distractions. I find that early morning meditation increases my self-awareness and helps me put into perspective what really matters. I also tend to be much more positive, energetic and happy.—Kristopher Jones,

3. Work out. I get up early most mornings and head to a free, outside workout called F3. Aside from obvious health benefits, it clears my mind and gets me in touch with the outdoors and in the company of good friends to start the day.—John Dillard, Big Sky Associates, Inc.

4. Get enough ZZZs. The scientific benefits of sleep are innumerable. More sleep equates to more happiness, better health and improved decision-making. Not to mention that it detoxes the brain. In order to do your best work, it’s critical to consistently recharge your batteries.—Ryan Stephens, Ryan Stephens Marketing

5. Write a poem. It sounds silly, random even, but this is something I’ve done every day that has dramatically reduced my stress while simultaneously opening my mind to many details in the world and opportunities that I would not have otherwise noticed. Start your day by writing a poem—even something as simple as a haiku.—Matthew Manos, verynice

6. Keep a journal. Life is very busy. My journal is in bullet-form so I can jot down things I did, people I met, how I felt, etc. It’s been a great outlet to help me be present, remember the little moments and sort out challenges in both my personal and professional life.—Kate Levenstien, Cannonball Productions

7. Talk to friends and family. Your friends and family are your biggest supporters. Even if you are having a very stressful and busy day, pick up the phone for a few minutes just to say hi to Mom or your best friend, and just talk about the good things that are happening in their lives. It will keep you grounded.—Faraz Khan, Go Direct Lead Generation

8. Wake up slowly. It’s not unusual for me to answer 10 to 15 emails before even getting out of bed in the morning. But starting the day off like this often sets a negative tone for the day, and truthfully most issues can wait. I’m learning that I’m much happier when I take 30 to 45 minutes to wake up slowly and shower before checking email.—Jesse Lear, V.I.P. Waste Services, LLC

9. Read something fictional. Refresh your mind by taking an afternoon break from your workflow and escaping to another world. Reading fictional stories stimulates the right side of your brain, sparking creative thought. That stimulation can make your day go a little smoother by thinking differently, solving problems in abstract ways and, most importantly, rejuvenating your soul.—Mark Krassner, Knee Walker Central

10. Do yoga. I have always been a very active person. I played water polo, swam, surfed, tried every sport out there. But in the last few years I started doing yoga a few days a week and it has changed my life. It’s the only place my phone is completely off and my mind is focused on myself only—no clients, employees or projects. It’s the easiest way to reset your mind and body in 60 minutes.—Torrey Tayenaka, Sparkhouse

11. Listen to a podcast. I find that one of the best practices to get fresh air and stimulate my brain is simply to take a walk and listen to a podcast with the podcast app that now comes standard on the iPhone. Do yourself a favor and listen to something non-business-related. For a little health or mindfulness, my favorites are Bulletproof Radio and Buddhist Geeks.—Matt Wilson, Under30Experiences

12. Put yourself on your schedule. When you put yourself on your schedule, you won’t have meetings and appointments that prevent you from taking care of yourself. I prefer to put myself as my first appointment of the day to make sure I don’t get caught up in the day and decide to skip out on important things that keep me grounded, like exercise and meditation.—Natalie MacNeil, She Takes on the World

13. Make time for play. Before becoming a father, I would have given an answer like many others: workout, meditate, yoga, etc. These are all exceptional ways to nurture yourself. After becoming a father, the greatest joy I can experience is playing with my children. It’s like taking that deep refreshing breath of sea air after a hard workout, but better.—Derek Fitzpatrick, Ios Optics - See more at:

I have been trying most of these for a few weeks now and my mind is so much more at peace. I have cancelled my cable, I have stopped scrolling facebook unless it is business related. I feel more in control of my mind and the organize chaos has dropped off to just being organized. I highly recommend anyone and everyone to try these tips especially here around the holidays.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Benefits of Grape Fruit
I have started eating a grape fruit at 3:30 everyday and it has starting making me feel awesome. I have been doing some research and this is what I found for how grape fruit helps your body... Inside and Out
Assists arthritis
Healthy heart
Cleanses Blood
Anti- histamine
Fights infection
Assists nervous system
Full of anti- oxidants
Promotes healing
Prevents cancer
High in Fiber
Cellulite is less visible
I don't know about you, BUT I like the sound of all that. Sometimes its super messy and I am thinking of ways to cut it to make it easier, but its totally worth it!

Monday, November 9, 2015

My love

 The Love of my life......

It was 2006 when I laid my eyes on this man. I was at work and well its a LOOONG funny story on how we met. The important piece is that god put us in the same location for a reason. Our entire relationship has been one star aligning to another to give glory to god and to lead us to him. We were not believers when we met and even when we got married. We had a non traditional marriage with Vows that talked about nature although he still kissed his bride.
As he travelled on the road for the first 7 years we were together times got harder and harder. We were ready for a baby and I got pregnant and I became a single mom with a part time husband. He missed holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and any family gatherings we would have. We would see him every other month and it was so hard. The only good part about him traveling was the way we would fall in love again each time he came home after the days on end of missing each other and communicating through a phone. Thank goodness for skype!!!

Our marriage took another step in the difficult direction when I was saved and asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. Our marriage was very divided. Hard to talk to each other. All around just HARD. As time went on god started working on his heart and he opened up to comeing to church for holiday functions and that first Christmas play he met someone who he had no idea would become his future boss. Yet again the stars are still lining up. I always told him if he got a job at home we would just figure it out. We could make it we jut have to try.
God knew we wouldnt make it without him. Once I was saved and had faith that he would take care of us he gave Scott a job at home. Let me tell you how much harder things became.

Seeing someone everynight everyday that you have not seen for more than 2 months in a row was a huge challenge, then to add ontop of that having your yearly income chopped in half AND having to be brave enough to turn down multiple job offers to go back on the road and make ALOT MORE MONEY. We decided family was much more important than money. Were a little over a year now and god has been faithful to us and helped us get through every obstacle we have been through. He has financially given us everything we need exactly when we need it. He is faithful. I am grateful.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Family fitness

My health and wellness group this month is called no excuse November. Well with no tv we play basketball and listen to music. SO.... What better than to play a game. If London makes a basket we do push-ups and crunches. 
We all have excuses on why not to workout. Give me your excuse and I'll give you a solution! 

If you are looking for a cure to obesity and a solution for all your excuses hit me up I'd love to talk! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

No excuse November ... GAME ON

"Child's pose please" 

Yep I got my workout in and it's Piyo upper body! 

I was challenge to finish the last 60 days of this year doing something Iv never done. Well here goes....

1. Run a health and wellness group with more than at 25 people and my challenge group that started today has over 80
2. Finish Piyo from day 1 to day 60 100%.... Here goes nothing
3. Don't give up myself when things get really hard, well here come the holidays and financial hell. 

We can do anything we put our minds to and that's not always done as easily as said. I have follow through issues I get bored and think I found something better so I stop and try something new. 

The last 60 days of this year will be will with Piyo to help my back which is on the mends again, a positive attitude toward myself that i can finish this program, and the next 60 days I will pour my heart into this "free" health and wellness group because I truly want people to love who they are. 


If you are ready to get your health back and want help from someone to be with you every step of the way... Send me a message or an email to

I am adding challengers all month long so it's never to late to join! 

Money saving mom

To all my humble homemakers and thrifty moms these are the 3 pas I use my my phone to get the biggest bang for my buck you can make money using all 3 just for scanning your reciepts. Iv cashed out about 100.00 so far from all of them so it's very much worth your time. Here's a link to ibotta if you wanna join ibotta it's totally worth it!

What I love the most is you can go to so many different stores and many of the selections it doesn't matter what brand you use and you can even save in produce which you know you won't find a coupon for.

I hope you enjoy! 

If you want more info on how I save and stay healthy and still eat whole foods just email me at