
Monday, November 2, 2015

No excuse November ... GAME ON

"Child's pose please" 

Yep I got my workout in and it's Piyo upper body! 

I was challenge to finish the last 60 days of this year doing something Iv never done. Well here goes....

1. Run a health and wellness group with more than at 25 people and my challenge group that started today has over 80
2. Finish Piyo from day 1 to day 60 100%.... Here goes nothing
3. Don't give up myself when things get really hard, well here come the holidays and financial hell. 

We can do anything we put our minds to and that's not always done as easily as said. I have follow through issues I get bored and think I found something better so I stop and try something new. 

The last 60 days of this year will be will with Piyo to help my back which is on the mends again, a positive attitude toward myself that i can finish this program, and the next 60 days I will pour my heart into this "free" health and wellness group because I truly want people to love who they are. 


If you are ready to get your health back and want help from someone to be with you every step of the way... Send me a message or an email to

I am adding challengers all month long so it's never to late to join! 

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