
Monday, November 9, 2015

My love

 The Love of my life......

It was 2006 when I laid my eyes on this man. I was at work and well its a LOOONG funny story on how we met. The important piece is that god put us in the same location for a reason. Our entire relationship has been one star aligning to another to give glory to god and to lead us to him. We were not believers when we met and even when we got married. We had a non traditional marriage with Vows that talked about nature although he still kissed his bride.
As he travelled on the road for the first 7 years we were together times got harder and harder. We were ready for a baby and I got pregnant and I became a single mom with a part time husband. He missed holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and any family gatherings we would have. We would see him every other month and it was so hard. The only good part about him traveling was the way we would fall in love again each time he came home after the days on end of missing each other and communicating through a phone. Thank goodness for skype!!!

Our marriage took another step in the difficult direction when I was saved and asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart. Our marriage was very divided. Hard to talk to each other. All around just HARD. As time went on god started working on his heart and he opened up to comeing to church for holiday functions and that first Christmas play he met someone who he had no idea would become his future boss. Yet again the stars are still lining up. I always told him if he got a job at home we would just figure it out. We could make it we jut have to try.
God knew we wouldnt make it without him. Once I was saved and had faith that he would take care of us he gave Scott a job at home. Let me tell you how much harder things became.

Seeing someone everynight everyday that you have not seen for more than 2 months in a row was a huge challenge, then to add ontop of that having your yearly income chopped in half AND having to be brave enough to turn down multiple job offers to go back on the road and make ALOT MORE MONEY. We decided family was much more important than money. Were a little over a year now and god has been faithful to us and helped us get through every obstacle we have been through. He has financially given us everything we need exactly when we need it. He is faithful. I am grateful.

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